"...togetherness, digital landscapes, and the importance of remembering your agency in the physical world." There is an interview/article which features an exploration of Hans Ulrich Obrist- a Swiss art curator, critic, and historian of art. The conversation leads into the observations and innovations from having to work from home throughout the pandemic- the restrictions that turn into epiphanies of thought. Engaging ideas and concepts that straddle my intention are typically because the person has considered longevity and impact. I found myself relating to the hyper awareness of nature and the space of which I create in. A different type of time emerged where a person had the time to think and consider their activated agency in their environments. For me, I realized that social media connects people, but it has to be intentionally done, not just understood as a conceptual rule of thumb. The bigger question being, "how do we encourage a togetherness and rid ourselves of desired isolation?" Perhaps exploring digital spaces- deciding which platforms translate best, what we aim to express- granting time to learning how to navigate digital mediums so that information is made available for people to access, but also creating spaces for the person with critical thought, to retain being a source on a perspective for a canonized idea. The discussion can really web out. The photographs added a visual moment of pause- a time to think and consider self, and so I decided to realize the images in my own language- considering how I work in the spaces around me and their relationship to the platform. My decision to make it through learning a new skill is always rewarded with more inquiry. The interview is fascinating in that, it encourages the reader to continue to think about these ideas of togetherness, digital landscapes, and the importance of remembering your agency in the physical world. Resources
KALEIDOSCOPE- Hans Ulrich Obrist
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