Suni Mullen :
This New Mix Called, " " by Suni Mullen
Painter, writer, and digital amplifier, Suni Mullen (b. 1994, Los Angeles, California) often discusses her desire to create cinema that encapsulates the rebellion, sarcasm and seriousness of contemporary digital media. In Mullen’s latest work, THIS NEW MIX CALLED, “ ” BY SUNI MULLEN is a single-channel video intended to be viewed theatrically and as an installation on loop. The film comprises original and found footage from cultural specific media of which includes digital memes, music videos, newscast reports, and television shows paired with audio of personal conversations and other appropriated material: (namely,) discussions featuring Bell Hooks and Toni Morrison. Critically aware and observant of how Black contributions are reflected through the media, Mullen aims to re-imagine them through systems of modern-collage, creating narratives that expose and act against imposed stories. The surreal digital landscape is intended to not be peripheral to the colonial gaze, but catering to amplifying the multiplicity of Black voices of a collective cultural sarcasm and resistance. THIS NEW MIX CALLED, “ ” BY SUNI MULLEN offers commentary on the nuances of trauma imposed on those that occupy the diagnosis of Blackness, while presenting plausible solutions through a form of “cultural assemblage”.